Everywhere I go, Jah send someone to keep reminding I Burning Spear aka Winston Rodney that no weapon that forms against me can prosper.
When going up a steep hill it hurts and we might be tempted to turn back, yet we know that we must face the pain we feel and continue up that very steep hill, no matter how challenging it gets.
Resistance and strength is needed to overcome any struggle we are facing. There was a time that I and my partner would feel that we were used by many to fulfill their dreams and the moment we didn’t go with their plan for us we became their enemy.
What we learn was that we are not responsible for other people actions towards us, and no weapon they form against us can prosper this is a very rough business with many wolf in sheep clothing.
We have overcome many obstacle with our determination, our will to survive and this confused many after all they had done to us business wise how we still continue, we continue with our faith. Taking all they send our way, and learning from them what never to do again.
Victorious we stand as I write these lines to you my friends. It’s took me a while to write this blog, I no longer wanted to write from a place of hurt or anger. Jah have given I man so many blessing I have all reason to be happy.
We all have to be very careful with people we come in contact with, learn to draw the line.
Once again we attend NARM and I must say this was a wonderful experience we had meeting with many wonderful people that understand the need for us reggae artist to develop our own record label, how important it is for us to protect the legacy of Burning Spear, many really compliment Mrs. Rodney (Sonia) for her strength and determination and focus to accomplish all she did on her own.
Many great friendship and business relationship was made at NARM. We can make it if we try, slow and steady will win the race, we are the face of changes to come into the music industry.
Sonia also had the pleasure of running with a group of NARM runners at 7AM in the morning, this was somewhat an experience and bring both of us some real closure without saying more love and peace was the order of the day. Many respects to all the NARM runners, Sonia is now training for Chicago.
The only way to find ever lasting peace with yourself is to accept responsibility for your action. There are no mistakes in life we are right where we need to be. If a person doesn’t love themselves, then they cannot love you or I.
Everyone make choice, and will have to stand and face the judgments of the choices they make. I man always believe in losing first, them to be the winner later.
We have learned to sit back and watch the movie of life make note of the actor and actress and their directors, what a joy just to be part of the audience of life.
I man know that Jah No Dead, and this African postman will continue to deliver Jah telegram to all the people of the world in music. I am just a man not a rich man a Rastaman, Jah had a plan for I man, that none could have ever predict, Jah took I man from the Hills of St Ann’s Bay to travel the world.
To quote this sister I met on Tuesday “Great Man no weapon that forms against you can prosper”. I man feel so humble and bless to be a messenger of His Majesty.
Boston are you Ready for Burning Spear and The Young Lion.